Hainanese Chicken Rice Recipe by Chef Charles Phan
Dipping Sauce
Step 1
Using handful of salt, rub the chicken over to remove any loose skin and dirt, and rinse well. Bring a large pot of water to boil over high heat. Add the chicken, smashed ginger, and green onions to boil in 15 minutes.
Turn the heat off, cover the pot, and let stand for another 15 minutes. Remove the chicken from the pot, trimming off the heat, feet, and wing tips, and let cool.
Add the trimming back to the broth, turn the heat to medium-high, and continue cooking down the stock for another hour. Strain the stock, discard any solids. You will need 2 cups of the stock to make this dish. Reserve the rest of stock for another use
Step 2
Place the rice in a 2-quart pot and rinse under cold water. Drain well. Heat the chicken fat in a wok until almost smoking. Add the rice and sear the grains for 3 minutes. Return the rice to the pot
Step 3
Ladle 2 cups of the chicken stock in a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon of salt, and taste; it should be fairly salty. Add more salt if necessary.
Add the salted broth to the pot and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally. Once the stock is boiling, turn the heat down to medium-low, cover the pot, and cook undisturbed until the broth is absorbed and the rice is fluffy, about 12 minutes.
Note: If you have a rice cooker, simply sear the rice and add it to the cooker along with the salted broth
Step 4
While the rice is cooking, make the dipping sauce. Using a mortar and pestle, smash the garlic, chili and julienned ginger together.
Transfer to a small bowl, add the fish sauce, lime juice, and sugar, and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Thin with a little water if necessary.
Step 5
Until the chicken is cool enough to handle, cut into smaller piece. Garnish the chicken with cilantro and serve with the rice and dipping sauce alongside.